Saturday, September 24, 2005

Number One!

Since this is... (drum sounds with booming and echo-ing voice)... POST NUMBER ONE... (stop the voice and the drums, they get distracting after a while)... I'm not sure where to start, what to talk about, or where exactly I expect this to go. But I guess I could describe the title since that seems overly-apparently-needing to be done. I have discovered the meaning of life. And I'll disappoint hyper-intelligent mice everywhere right now when I say that it is NOT 42, despite what their computer told them. But I also believe that the meaning of life is different for every person, based upon many factors, most of which include how you view the world, what you enjoy, and what you feel like doing with yourself. I have no intention of getting "deep", unless someone asks me to, and I'll deal with that when/if it happens. So, basically, what I am going to tell you is my meaning of life, or, The Meaning of Life According to Alex. So without further ado, the meaning... of life.

In my most humble opinion, the meaning of life is humor. Or rather, the ability to give humor to those that are in poor spirits. Which is my... well... my mission. To spread my never-ending supply of humor to those around me. I guess this blog is meant to supplement my website, Xive. But on the other hand, after time and after I make this grow for a while, the website could conceivably be a supplement to this blog. Whatever, so long as you laugh.

Xive is currently under construction, so if you go there you will more than likely be disappointed... and not laugh. He he. But, eventually, I will have stories, pictures, movies, as well as... other things that I find humorous and I hope others will as well.

I can't really think of anything else to say, so I guess I'll just go work on my website. Adios, and enjoy yourself.

Just as an update... I did just that. I updated my website. I'll let you know how that's going tomorrow when I'm not so tired. Adios, again.


Blogger maiku said...

Hoy, Alex!

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25 September, 2005 16:05  

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