Monday, September 26, 2005

Lousy Day

If I were manically depressive, yesterday's weather would have been an amazing outward view of the inner me. But I'm not, so that must have been someone else's self-image. I can try to describe what it was like, but that would be like me attempting to steal the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America while at the same time eating a grilled cheese sandwich. There are two problems with this. First, I hate cheese. Second, once it's grilled, that's just an additional wretched scent tossed upon the already poor taste. But, I'll try. The entire sky was white, with a slight gray tinge to it. One shade of this gray-white covered the entire sky like some bad description from a book of a blanket covering the planet. I could only tell where the sun was because there was a circle the size of the sun in the cloud that was a little less gray and a little brighter white. From the moment I woke up, at like 8 A.M., until the moment I fell asleep, somewhere around 11:30 P.M., the cloud gave off a dreary rain. Not a hard rain, just slightly more than a mist. Something that you don't mind at first, but eventually you can't help but feel as if it has always rained, and always will. There were periods, granted, where it would stop raining, but these were only 5 minutes long, and they were very far apart.

So I read. Last week, I finished The Sword of Shannara, by Terry Brooks. Which is a 730 page book that I have casually read on and off for a couple of weeks. Then I started, and finished, Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. You may have noticed the reference to it from my last post, with the mice. Just this weekend, I started Star Trek Voyager: The Nanotech War. Very interesting... It takes place after Tom and B'Elanna get married, in case you care. It's, well, if you're not familiar with the series, don't contemplate reading it. Anyway, I finished that yesterday, and started reading I, Q. Not yet sure what that's about.

And here I am, listening to another Motor City RIFFs podcast by 101.3 WRIF. It's almost sad that I have to listen to the podcast, just two months ago I was able to listen to the actual station. Oh well, we move on. I guess that summary of Xive will have to be postponed; I'm tapped out for pouring my life out for now.


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