Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I Am... Therefore I Think

Why not? How much fun would it be if everything that existed had coherent though processes? Would there be complete bedlam? Or un-parallelled peace? I will attempt to answer this age-old question that I have never heard asked.

Just for clarity and understanding, let us assume first that we only consider things that already exist, already have use of locomotion, and are by scientists standards "alive." i.e.: they respond to a stimuli. Second, that everything would have the same thinking matrix's that we humans share.

This said, the first priority of everything would be to have some sort of shelter. Most of us surface dwellers would invariably have to band together to build a space station to live on. Because the non-surface dwellers, (see: earthworm) would suddenly 'decide' that living under many hundreds of pounds of earth is unsafe as well as uncomfortable. They will therefore overrun the surface.

Second, water. Those previously non-surface dwellers will have taken over all the oceans. That would leave us space stationers waterless. What to do? Well, with all of the technological growths we would have undergone with our collective minds, we would be able to extract pure water from all the species' waste, as well as from using reverse-electrolysis on the atmosphere of Mars. (There would, of coarse, be no point in orbiting Earth if there was no hope of ever returning to it)

Third, food. Let's not even consider contemplating the Earth for this one. We (the humans) would at this point probably have been suppressed into the service of the other animals who outnumber us by a dizzying amount. We would be forced to farm on the surface of Mars (note that when I say surface, I mean of coarse that we would be under a protective dome). Food would be no problem once we got to Mars. Getting there would be the problem.

Or would it? Maybe the real problem would be that if all sentient beings had intelligence, they wouldn't think as we do. Therefore, we may never get off the surface of Earth, the earthworms may decide they like the way dirt feels, dogs could enjoy napping in purple thrones. But those cockroaches... if they decided to be hostile... well... just be glad that they don't have intelligence.

Or do they??? (don don don...)


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