Thursday, September 29, 2005

Lots of Things

Last night, I finished reading I, Q. I've got to tell you, if you're a trekkie and you like Q, read this book. It's about the end of the universe as told by Q. He keeps true to his trickster nature throughout the entire novel. Picard, Data, Q, Q's wife, little q, random people from various parts of the multiverse, the Q Continuum's sworn enemys, the M Continuum, they're all in this wonderful book. It was amazing. I loved every minute of it.

So now I'm moving on to a new book. The Elfstones of Shannara, Terry Brooks' sequal to his amazing Sword of Shannara. So far, I'm confused. But that's the way he likes it. The books never seem to have any connection with each other until you're halfway through it. But he's a good author, so that makes up for it.

I have also noticed that I am the ONLY person who seems to have an interest in watching popcorn pop. When I clicked on it, my name was the only one that came up. What's up with that, y'all? You can't tell me that none of you enjoys to watch a little bag get progressively bigger at it supresses assault after assault from within its own walls. If only some other things had as much protection from interior treachery. I'm not speaking of anything real, just something out of Sword of Shannara. The entire war with the Warlock Lord was almost lost because of one single solitary person's treachery, as well as his knowledge of the castle he was in. But granted, popcorn is MUCH more fasinating to watch when you hold one of those Jiffy Pops over an open flame than it is to watch a microwave do its thing.


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