Sunday, October 02, 2005

Google's Practical Joke

See that ad in the corner?
Well, apparently it works by reading my blog, then providing a link that somehow applies to the page. I applaud them for attempting to find one, single link that somehow relates to what rummages through my mind.
And what it came up with is actually fairly funny. Gold Medal Popcorn. I personally am very amused that Google thought the closest thing that related to my out-pouring of thought was a popcorn popper. This only happened because of that one post where I talked about watching popcorn pop.

Oh well, maybe if I just keep being myself, it will change to something else funny.

Anyway, the schedule of food distribution here at Western Michigan University is kind of annoying. I live 2 1/2 hours away from home, so understandably I decided to "dorm it." Which means I have to eat at the dining halls. In and of itself, this isn't really a bad thing. They serve Asian Cuisine here in my hall, and I find it pretty good. On the weekdays, it's open from 7 am until 7 pm, which is cool. But on the weekends, they're only open from 10 am until 3 pm. Plus, they don't serve the regular menu, they only have hot dogs and the like. Out of the 6 different dining halls (all with their own menus), only 2 are open late. Not quite regular hours, later than that, in fact. But the problem is, one of them is all the way on the other side of campus. It's like a 15 min. walk to get to it. The other one is between here and there, about 5 min. away. I'd rather not have to walk that far just to eat. Granted, I do most days because I like what they serve (who wants to stay in the same place all the time), but I don't want to HAVE to go there, even if I already do go there several other times throughout the week. Think of others. I mean, I'm sure there's someone who only eats in this one building. Just think how they must feel that they have to actually LEAVE the building. I'm glad I'm not like that.

In other news, work on Xive has been postponed. I have done this due to a most interesting development. I have found a free host that offers php, as well as multiple MySQL databases. I'm going to investigate this further, and let you know what's up with it. If it's good, progress on the site may take on a whole new twist. There was something I've been wanting to do with MySQL for a while, but I didn't have access to a database before. If this comes through, it will mean major improvements to Xive. Although, at the same time, it will also mean more time until I finally finish off with Xive. Once I find out more, this will be the first place I'll put my findings.

Until then, good morning. And in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night. (The Truman Show is a rockin' movie, I highly recommend it)

Since this post, I have quit using AdSense.
In my opinion, it takes up space, looks bad, and doesn't really give very much money.
(also, they ended my account because I "cheated" by clicking my own ads. as you can see from above, I did, but it was because I was genuinly interested in what was there. Anyway, they kept all money and "returned it to the add providers." No hard feelings, but I never really liked the ads to begin with)


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