Thursday, March 30, 2006

Free Pizza... part 2

So, I just realized that the last post said 'among other things' yet I forgot to actually say what those other things were.

Well, after teaching myself CSS basics, I have the style of my site complete. Now I need to get the content straightened out, and I'll upload my site to... my site.

I'm tenatively saying my site will finally be done by the end of this weekend.

Free Pizza... among other things

I ordered a pizza, through Campus Food, it's a good site that has a ton of colleges and restaurants near them. It has a lot of deliver places too, which is good because I live on campus and am currently sans vehicle. I have asked myself many times why I didn't bring my Jeep here, then I look at the parking permit prices and remember. I don't want to pay $300 per semester. That's an additional $600 a year (in case you can't count) beyond what is already over inflated prices. So, I walk. It's not a bad deal, but I guess I sort of got off topic.

Anyway, I ordered a pizza from Papa Johns, through Campus Foods. Campus Food is a good site, and they have worked for me everytime I use them. Papa Johns, however, had a slight issue.

I ordered at 8pm. In the comment box, I asked that it be delivered at 8:50-8:55pm, as opposed to how pizza places like to get to you in less than 10 min. I wanted it later so I could bring it to a meeting, I would, of coarse, be compensated for buying the pizza. Well, 9:05 came and went, and I was about to just go to the meeting pizza-less, when a Papa Johns truck comes rumbling up. I walked up to him, but also noticed that a girl did as well. He said, "I've got two orders, one was with a credit card" That was the girl's. He looked at me, and asked if my name was Jenna. He showed no sign of laughing, while I was. He asked if it was for room 357 (or something) and I said, 404. He asked when I ordered, I told him an hour ago. This is really poorly typed with people talking all jumbled up in one big paragraph and chances are noone's actually reading this far into the paragraph, so I'll just keep babbling a little longer. I need a catchy way to end this paragraph, so if someone is just glancing through they won't suspect anything. So he said, you should call the building and talk with Scott.

I walked away. I had cash as my payment, so no problem for me, right? No pizza for me, no money for them, right? Exactly.

I get a call from Papa Johns. Apparently they forgot to put paper in the fax machine, so they didn't get my order until just then. So, wait, they had a fax machine without paper for... an hour and a half? That's a little outrageous. Anyway, he said if I still wanted the pizza, I could get it for free. I was all Sure! I asked if he could deliver to a different place, because I was still at the meeting. When the guy showed up, he had no idea why it was free. I quickly told him, and he said how Scott was such an asshole. Scott is apparently the boss, does very little work, and constantly tells everyone around him how much work he does and how they should be like him.

Being the great guy I am, I offered to give him a small amount of money for driving the pizza to me. I only had a $20 (high roller), and said that if he had $17 for change, that would be wonderful. He had a $20, and exactly $17 singles... almost creepy how I picked that number. So I got the pizza to the meeting, about 3 minutes after it was over, and they ate all but 4 pieces.

While leaving, I saw someone I knew. I said, hey, Lillian, want some pizza?

So I went back to my room, sans-vehicle, sans-pizza, sans-$3, and most of all... sans-a good way to end this post...

Monday, March 27, 2006

Poker Night

Alright, so this actually happened last Wednesday. I'm a bit slow, ok?

It started at 9:30 pm. There were around 14 of us. $5 to get in. Put simply, I was doing wonderful and at one point had a bigger stack of chips than anyone else. After that point, I lost them slowly, like a trickle. I just sort of stopped winning hands. Then I just ran out of chips. I was the second one out. Which made me feel better about myself because I'm not completely knowledgeable on the rules of Texas Hold em, especially in the betting deparment.

Once I was out, I was deep in boredom. I don't know how people can watch poker on tv. Not playing and watching was almost excrutiatingly boring. Yet there was nothing else to do.

When the tournament ended at about 2:30, Josh, McGill and I went to Stake 'n Shake. I had chili. Anywho, McGill had a dead fish. He bought it at Meijer the week before, but forgot to take it out of his Jeep. So we decided to go to Meijer and get him a new fish, at 3am. He did, after all, have his receipt.

So, we walked into Meijer, at 3am, and walked over to the pet department, which was just one aisle. McGill picked up the red phone, waited for someone else to pick up, then said, "I'm in the pet department, and I've got a dead fish." I'll tell you what, I cracked up. When he hung up, he said that everyone was on break, so someone would be with us shortly.

This lady walks up, and she's like, you want a new one? After looking at the receipt, she got him a new fish. Then... she asked if we wanted gum. We couldn't really say no... We were sort of forced into it. So this amazingly large woman that could have eaten my weight in a day or two, pulls out a pack of gum from her pocket. It's watermellon, she says, I like it because it tastes just like real watermellon. I just kept thinking wow to myself the entire time.

So, we just sort of walked around for a while, with a fish. Until around 4, when we left without buying anything. Yipee.

I went back to my office cubicle sized hovel, and commenced reading. I had, by my estimation, 8 hours to read an entire novel. I fell asleep with around 40 pages left. I woke up, not quite remembering falling asleep, and continued reading. I made it. The quiz wasn't that hard.

And life moves on.


He stopped just two steps from the door because he felt a curious warm sensation in his chest. When he looked down, he stared in amazement at the head and part of a shaft of an arrow protruding from the center of his chest. The warm sensation was that of his own blood, he suddenly realized, that was beginning to mark his clothing red. Even after all the times he had helped others in the same situation, he simply failed to remember what he needed to do to help himself. He knows he must do something, he just can't remember what. He briefly thought of why he didn't feel any pain. There is an almost lack of feeling, in fact, when he suddenly realized that he was on his knees, not recalling when he actually fell. Reaching up to break off the head, he seemed devoid of his usual strength, and unable to break the shaft. As if through someone else's ears, several rooms away, he could hear other arrows bouncing off the stone around him. Feeling anger at himself for not being able to make it to the relative safety of the next room, the shaft of the arrow suddenly broke. The man reached behind him, and grasping the other end of the shaft, pulled the arrow free. He began to crawl toward the door, for some reason his legs refused to obey him, when the edges of his vision began to grow dark. It was such as his pursuers found him, lying on his chest, bloody, with a bloodstained arrow grasped in his hand, deep in the rigors of death.

I hoped you enjoyed. Now, I only need to make up a name for this guy, where he was going, where he was, who was chasing him, and why. Then I'd have a decent story. Which basically means, I have nothing. Yay.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

An Update

It's my birthday!

Here's a quick update of last post's list.
1. That 4 page paper is done.
2. Turns out I didn't need the Journal Articles for class. And I'm going to need a total of 10, not the 3 that I have.
3. Right. That story I'm writing. I've been too busy with school to touch it recently.
4. I did finish a Vampire Limewire theme, but I still have one more I'm working on. Plus, I randomly noticed an error I made with the vampire one. When something plays, it goes black and blends in with the background so you can't see it anymore. It's a simple fix to change that to red, but it still needs to be done.
5. Nothing has been done to the website.
6. Nothing being done on the website includes the images I'm building.
7. The RAM idea was shot in the back and is not going to happen.
8. No tea, either.

It looks like I still have a lot to do, so I'll go get working on... (picks a random number) I'll go work on those images for the website.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Keep Them Thoughts in Order

I just got back from Spring Break today. I took the train home, and took it to get back here. I was surprised how much off schedule the train got. I was "supposed" to be home at 3:25, but didn't actually get there until 4:45. It was a lot better on the return trip, only about 30 min late.

Anyway, I've been doing a lot of thinking. There are a few things I want to get done, a few I need to get done, and a few I must do. So I decided to make a list, to keep myself on track. In no particular order of importance:

1. Start (and finish) a 4 page report about The Two Lives of Charlemagne and/or The Song of Roland by Tuesday.
2. Get at least 2 more Scientific Journal sources on Artificial Intelligence, also by the time Tuesday rolls around.
3. Monday... um.. let's think... Nothing's due Monday.
4. Work on (and eventually finish) the story I'm writing.
5. Finish the couple of LimeWire themes I've been working on that are not done.
6. Finish my website so the LimeWire themes I've finished (and will soon finish) have a nice place to stay.
7. Wednesday... oh geez... I don't think there's anything for Wednesday.
8. Finsh the images and 3D symbol to make the as-of-now unfinished website look more professional as well as complete.
9. Look into (and eventually perhaps) getting more RAM so this box will stop stalling when I maximize things (particularly Thunderbird) from the Taskbar.
10. Look, I'm typing on line number ten!
11. Get one of those water-heater-upppers (for tea and MRE's)

Yes, I do realize that numbers 3, 7, and 10 are not actually things for me to do, and that 11 is actually 3 things because I don't actually have any tea bags or MRE's. I'll probably start on that 4 page paper tomorrow, or rather later today after I wake up.

Yay Spring Break! (perhaps I should have done some home work over the break?)