Monday, February 06, 2006

I'm being stalked?!!

For one of my classes, our teacher puts the quiz in the front of the room at the beginning of the next class. I went up there to get mine... and to my complete surprise there's nothing! So I went to the teacher and said, "My quiz isn't there." He picked up one without a name and asked if it was mine. It was clearly not. For example, his paper had the name of the class. I never put that. And the date was on the wrong side of the paper. And don't even get me started about how much better the writing is than mine. So he was all, "Give me your name, and I'll see if you're in the gradebook." Turns out, I got a 10/10. Yay.

But the way he informs me of my score is eerie. He was all like "You got a 10, so you must have a stalker that took your quiz to see how you did."

Who would want to stalk an unassuming teen that wears a thick red ski coat everywhere because he foolishly left his lighter coat at home and won't be going back there until spring break because he needs to work that week instead of have fun which he wouldn't have had anyway?

In completely other, random affairs; I had this sweet idea. Gasp! An idea!
A first person team based underwater soccer game.
Sound lame?
What if the opponents were made of balls that could join together at will?
Getting bigger and faster, or breaking up and being more manuverable.
Instead of a ball you had to kick, your opponent/balls needed to get themselves into the net. All the while you're grabbing them and hurling them at the other net to get points. Throw in a couple weapons, such as grenades, rocket launchers, floating landmines, and you've got a sweet brawl.
Or not.


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