Sunday, February 05, 2006

Two Amazing Dreams in One Slightly Less Amazing Night

Twas an average night, in an average room, in an average bed, in the head of what some people may say is an anything but average person.

As the title says, two dreams...

The first involved the X-Men. Which is to say that they were in a chior... and Professor X was the conductor. The greatest part of it was that no one said any words throughout the dream... they just snapped their fingers. That was the entire dream, or at least what I remember. Them standing there snapping their fingers and swaying back and forth.

The second dream, completely unrelated, is my favorite. I was in a building, that's about as specific as I can remember... a building. There was an intercom system, and a monkey said a single line to me. He said in a menacingly deep voice, "You have foiled my plans for the final time." That was the entire dream, that one line. You may ask, "How do you know it was a monkey that talked if you didn't actually see him? How did you know his statement was even directed towards you? Why do you like Klondyke bars?" Well, for the first two, it was a dream, so I just sort of knew. As to that last one, you spelt Klondike wrong, so stop talking. They taste good, and they're square.


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