Sunday, March 05, 2006

Keep Them Thoughts in Order

I just got back from Spring Break today. I took the train home, and took it to get back here. I was surprised how much off schedule the train got. I was "supposed" to be home at 3:25, but didn't actually get there until 4:45. It was a lot better on the return trip, only about 30 min late.

Anyway, I've been doing a lot of thinking. There are a few things I want to get done, a few I need to get done, and a few I must do. So I decided to make a list, to keep myself on track. In no particular order of importance:

1. Start (and finish) a 4 page report about The Two Lives of Charlemagne and/or The Song of Roland by Tuesday.
2. Get at least 2 more Scientific Journal sources on Artificial Intelligence, also by the time Tuesday rolls around.
3. Monday... um.. let's think... Nothing's due Monday.
4. Work on (and eventually finish) the story I'm writing.
5. Finish the couple of LimeWire themes I've been working on that are not done.
6. Finish my website so the LimeWire themes I've finished (and will soon finish) have a nice place to stay.
7. Wednesday... oh geez... I don't think there's anything for Wednesday.
8. Finsh the images and 3D symbol to make the as-of-now unfinished website look more professional as well as complete.
9. Look into (and eventually perhaps) getting more RAM so this box will stop stalling when I maximize things (particularly Thunderbird) from the Taskbar.
10. Look, I'm typing on line number ten!
11. Get one of those water-heater-upppers (for tea and MRE's)

Yes, I do realize that numbers 3, 7, and 10 are not actually things for me to do, and that 11 is actually 3 things because I don't actually have any tea bags or MRE's. I'll probably start on that 4 page paper tomorrow, or rather later today after I wake up.

Yay Spring Break! (perhaps I should have done some home work over the break?)


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