Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Boy Scouts take heart!

Heart has little to do with it, but I couldn't think of a better title.

There is a story here. I am a boy scout. I used to be/ still am part of Troop 1402 in Fraser Michigan. I'm not really part of it right now because I'm so far away. But I do get back every once in a while.

Anyway, it was about three years ago, at summer camp 2002. We were at a new camp... Camp Tapico (that actually stands for TAll PInes COuncil, in case you care). Our scoutmaster, and my hero, brought his collection of garden gnomes with him, because he thought they would "cheer up the dreary campsite." Well, did I have fun with that! Every night, once everyone was asleep, I snuck about and moved the gnomes about. Put some gnomes in front of various tents, moved some fencing, you know, the sort of anonymous thing that makes people laugh even if it was done to them. Anyway, we (and by we, I almost exclusively am referring to myself and Mr. Dietz) started this whole thing with gnomes. For example, the next year when we went back there, we had lots more gnomish fun.

Our gateway... was a cantilever (looks like a street light) and a gnome hung off of the end of it by a noose. That one was actually our scoutmaster's idea.

At the end of the week, every troop had to build a boat for a "special event." Our boat was made of coolers tied together with wood pallets on top to sit on. There were pot pans tied to the sides, to give the impression of a Viking warship. We used brooms as our ores, and ended up tying the 'shields' to the 'ores' mid-competition because we came to the sudden realization that brooms didn't push water as well as we would have liked. But the GREATEST thing about the boat was the final touch... and what we called it. We duct taped 3 gnomes to it. 2 on the back two corners and the 3rd dead front center. We called it the 'Whispering Gnome.' Fond memories there. When it left, we all chanted "Gnomes' Away!" And when they made it back, we chanted "Gnome, Sweet Gnome!" Fun times.

So now I have a new line that I found. It was actually in a Blogger's profile here.
Question: How do you pronounce the G in Bologna?
Answer: Better yet, how do you pronounce the G in Gnome?

I laughed pretty hard. I'm sorry if you didn't.


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