Saturday, January 21, 2006

Since when has Music been an Impulse Buy?

But more on that later...

Yesterday/ last night/ this morning my cousin came to visit me here at K-zoo. We had fun. I actually did not know this, but Adam (that's his name) has Star Trek Elite Force and the Expansion Pack. So do I. We spent a lot of time playing together. Which is actually quite awquard, seeing how it's a single player game. One of us controlled movement and regular fire with the mouse, while the other had the alternate fire and jumping on the keyboard. We switched back and forth who did which part when, and we had lots of fun, even if we were slaughtered by almost everyone online. Other players were at the 150-200 frag zone while we were elated to have 40.

About Elite Force, I actually just beat the Single Player mode last weekend. Which is saying something because I've had the game for somewhere around 2 years. But it always seemed that would get to the final level, the Forge, my file would get corrupted. Or Elite Force uninstalled, of the computer wiped, or an upgrade that deleted all of everything. Until I just quit trying. I found myself with my computer and I saw that perhaps for the first time there was no real danger to my file, so why not try again?

About the title, I went to the school store today looking for a microphone for my pc when I stumbled upon something most interesting. Several displays full of music. This may not sound unusual, unless I tell you that each disk of at least 11 songs making about 45 minutes was only less than 99 cents including tax. Wow. So I bought a couple, fully expecting music that inexpensive to be exactly the quality of the money paid. Well, I was mistaken. One was labled "Rock" I'll tell you what, if that same disk was at another store for $14 like every other piece of music, I would gladly have still bought it. The disk was Reincarnate, by Torn. I was really, really impressed. It's not like they were demos and of bad quality either, these were professional quality songs. Another one, labled "Alternative Pop" was Supernova by Liquid Blue. This one was also really good. I happen to prefer the rock music, but they were both of high quality. I suppose that if I got them for so little, you may or may not be able to download them for free. I'm thinking that what I paid was just the cost to distribute. Which means they are trying to get their names out so people go to concerts.

That's my one cent(s). Good night.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Today, I wrote the most vital, riveting, important, and revealing part. I spent a lot of time making sure it was the way I wanted it, otherwise the entire main concept that is central to the understanding of what is going on would not make sense. I think I got it just about right.

Next on the list of things to do is the ending. Then the epilogue. The rest will follow.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Pet Pevee

I swore I would never use that term, and I still won't. It's only a title so I don't have to explain anything.

I always thought I could handle anything.

Today, I stand corrected.

I find myself highly disliking it when people use bad grammer. I discovered this about myself when an English teacher, of all things, gave us a worksheet. A WORKSHEET! If it was spoken, I would have been ok, everyone makes mistakes. But a printed document from a person who painstakingly looks over everything she does to correct any possible errors? Especially since it's so obvious.

I quote from the worksheet: "According to the text, why items should be considered in an audience analysis?"

I may not be that intelligent, but something foul is afoot here.

But who am I?

Saturday, January 14, 2006

I'm Back

Well, here we are. Mid-January.

My original idea was... flawed.

I got a lot written, but then I noticed a problem.
The entire thing seemed forced and incoherent.

I've put in a lot of thought, and I have found out what went wrong and how to fix it.

It's the begining's fault. I had a bad way to introduce the main characters, I had a very, very, very bad history set up. But the ending and parts of the rest of my idea are still valid.

Since then, I have come up with a way to solve the problem. I have written a little of it, but mostly I've been thinking to see how I want to introduce the characters, and why certain things transpire. I know what I want to happen, but I'm still working on why.

So... that's that.