Monday, October 17, 2005

A Time to Study

I'm going to keep this short because I need to study for the mid-term in CS-1000 this Wednesday. The class is broken into a lecture and a lab. The lab is insanely simplistic. I mean, on the third week, we were starting Copy/Paste. The lecture on the other hand, is all about the history and development of the computer age. There are only 2 tests in the lecture, this mid-term and the final. 80 questions, multiple choice. I'm not concerned with the difficulty of it, I just need to read through the chapters again to make sure I'm familiar with crazy things like the "5 Generations of the Computer Language"

In other news, I made an appointment today to talk to a counselor about what classes I should take next semester. My appointment is for Friday morning.

I had a wicked idea last night. I've been contemplating writing a book for a while now, but last night I got like 3 awesome ideas that will actually help me get started on it.

Well, I should start studying, I have 4 chapters to go through.


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