Thursday, October 13, 2005

If All The World Were A Playground...

...Wait a minute here...

...You mean it's NOT all a playground??!!!

Uh oh, I should probably start acting a lot different then...

...better yet, I'll stay the same, it's just too much fun the way I am.

In other news, I'm currently working on a new project... a "Royal Remix"
In this crazy new concept I've come up with, I'm taking clips of a bunch of songs that have the words "King" "Queen" "Royal" or other such thing in it. My overly-limited music apps. only allow me to record, ie., I will only get something that sounds like I took a bunch of parts of songs and smashed them together. I have no way of getting rid of/changing the background music. Which may/may not make it all the more funny.
I guess that all depends on how I do it. We shall see.


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