Tuesday, October 18, 2005


"You say Goodbye, I say Hello.
Hello, Hello! I don't know why you say Goodbye, I say Hello.
Hello, Hello! I don't know why you say Goodbye, I say Hello."
- The Beatles (or, at least I hope it's the Beatles, my memory's so bad)

Throughout my life, I have had numerous ideas and theories that span such topics as the formation of another universe, and how that universe is linked to ours through black/white hole wormholes, all the way to an insanely sweet computer MOD. To cut it short, I've dropped almost all projects and forgotten most of all the ideas I've ever had. After all, my memory is atrocious. Most days I can't recall what I had for breakfast shortly after eating it. And breakfast is something I almost always do.

But enough of the description of myself, why am I leaving? And where am I going? Well, someone once said that goodbyes aren't forever. Please don't ask who, I haven’t the faintest idea. In this instance, they were right. I have every intention of returning here. I even have a specific time I plan to be back. I'm just leaving for a greater period of time than ever before. But why am I leaving?

Call it a Vision Quest, Soul Search, etc. It's been given many names, but I'm not doing anything so extravagant. I'm going to write a book. I have always had ideas for book topics, but they seemed short or stupid, or not worth my time. But two nights ago, at night right before I fell asleep (which is when I always get my best ideas), I got a mother of an idea. It was like someone hit me with a mallet, the idea just exploded into my consciousness. A concept that will unite all writing ideas I've ever had, while being highly coherent. At this time, I would prefer to leave details about what this idea is to myself.

I am going to stop gaming, posting, blogging, and everything else non-school required. All my waking time that's not being used for homework or class time or sleeping will be writing time. I am just going to write as fast as possible, before I forget anything. Thusly, I will skip all spelling and grammatical thoughts and leave mistakes where they lie. It will be as if I unplugged myself completely from the Internet. Once I'm done, I'll be back to let you know before I begin to edit out those errors I hastily left in.

Due to speed, I'm fully expecting to be done before Christmas. If I don't finish before December though, don't expect to hear from me until mid-January due to family plans.

Throughout this entire period I will be frequently checking my e-mail, so feel free to drop me a line and offer questions/comments/hate mail at lordadonis@gmail.com

Again, goodbye, good luck, and hopefully next time you hear from me I'll have results!

Alex Winfield (a.k.a. theking/the9thking/adonis/lordadonis/rulerofallfish/Commodore Schmidlapp)


Blogger Alex said...

I really like this blog. Intresting! please can u check out my blog - chickmanin92.blogspot.com

22 October, 2005 05:26  

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