Tuesday, October 18, 2005


"You say Goodbye, I say Hello.
Hello, Hello! I don't know why you say Goodbye, I say Hello.
Hello, Hello! I don't know why you say Goodbye, I say Hello."
- The Beatles (or, at least I hope it's the Beatles, my memory's so bad)

Throughout my life, I have had numerous ideas and theories that span such topics as the formation of another universe, and how that universe is linked to ours through black/white hole wormholes, all the way to an insanely sweet computer MOD. To cut it short, I've dropped almost all projects and forgotten most of all the ideas I've ever had. After all, my memory is atrocious. Most days I can't recall what I had for breakfast shortly after eating it. And breakfast is something I almost always do.

But enough of the description of myself, why am I leaving? And where am I going? Well, someone once said that goodbyes aren't forever. Please don't ask who, I haven’t the faintest idea. In this instance, they were right. I have every intention of returning here. I even have a specific time I plan to be back. I'm just leaving for a greater period of time than ever before. But why am I leaving?

Call it a Vision Quest, Soul Search, etc. It's been given many names, but I'm not doing anything so extravagant. I'm going to write a book. I have always had ideas for book topics, but they seemed short or stupid, or not worth my time. But two nights ago, at night right before I fell asleep (which is when I always get my best ideas), I got a mother of an idea. It was like someone hit me with a mallet, the idea just exploded into my consciousness. A concept that will unite all writing ideas I've ever had, while being highly coherent. At this time, I would prefer to leave details about what this idea is to myself.

I am going to stop gaming, posting, blogging, and everything else non-school required. All my waking time that's not being used for homework or class time or sleeping will be writing time. I am just going to write as fast as possible, before I forget anything. Thusly, I will skip all spelling and grammatical thoughts and leave mistakes where they lie. It will be as if I unplugged myself completely from the Internet. Once I'm done, I'll be back to let you know before I begin to edit out those errors I hastily left in.

Due to speed, I'm fully expecting to be done before Christmas. If I don't finish before December though, don't expect to hear from me until mid-January due to family plans.

Throughout this entire period I will be frequently checking my e-mail, so feel free to drop me a line and offer questions/comments/hate mail at lordadonis@gmail.com

Again, goodbye, good luck, and hopefully next time you hear from me I'll have results!

Alex Winfield (a.k.a. theking/the9thking/adonis/lordadonis/rulerofallfish/Commodore Schmidlapp)

Monday, October 17, 2005

A Time to Study

I'm going to keep this short because I need to study for the mid-term in CS-1000 this Wednesday. The class is broken into a lecture and a lab. The lab is insanely simplistic. I mean, on the third week, we were starting Copy/Paste. The lecture on the other hand, is all about the history and development of the computer age. There are only 2 tests in the lecture, this mid-term and the final. 80 questions, multiple choice. I'm not concerned with the difficulty of it, I just need to read through the chapters again to make sure I'm familiar with crazy things like the "5 Generations of the Computer Language"

In other news, I made an appointment today to talk to a counselor about what classes I should take next semester. My appointment is for Friday morning.

I had a wicked idea last night. I've been contemplating writing a book for a while now, but last night I got like 3 awesome ideas that will actually help me get started on it.

Well, I should start studying, I have 4 chapters to go through.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

If All The World Were A Playground...

...Wait a minute here...

...You mean it's NOT all a playground??!!!

Uh oh, I should probably start acting a lot different then...

...better yet, I'll stay the same, it's just too much fun the way I am.

In other news, I'm currently working on a new project... a "Royal Remix"
In this crazy new concept I've come up with, I'm taking clips of a bunch of songs that have the words "King" "Queen" "Royal" or other such thing in it. My overly-limited music apps. only allow me to record, ie., I will only get something that sounds like I took a bunch of parts of songs and smashed them together. I have no way of getting rid of/changing the background music. Which may/may not make it all the more funny.
I guess that all depends on how I do it. We shall see.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Columbus Day... What's That?

So, since today is Columbus Day, I celebrated by walking around and saying to people, "Happy Columbus Day." These are my stories. (Bum, bum) (Just so you know, the bums are supposed to sound just like Law and Order)

There were the standard responses, then there were the ones I'd rather talk about.
The most common response by far was: "It's Columbus Day?"
Or: "Huh?" "What's Columbus Day?" "Who's Columbus?"
These people were asking in complete seriousness. I didn't feel like explaining it too them, mostly because I had so many others to reach, so I just said, "I don't know, my calendar just said 'Columbus Day'." They took this explanation and left me alone, which was perfect for me.

But aside from those, we start to get funny ones.
Like my all time favorite: "Oh hello thank you!!! Columbus."
It was funny because this girl that I didn't know (and still don't know) was completely surprised that I even spoke to her. She said her "Oh hello thank you" really fast, and the "Columbus" was almost an after-thought after I had passed her, and she kind-of whispered it.

My second favorite response was from the Vice-President of Legal Issues. (yes, I went into all the buildings and spoke to everyone that I found)
She said a lot, and she said it fast. It went a little something like, "Well thanks. Are you a student here? (insert yes from me) Is this your first year? (insert another yes here) Wow, we need more students like you to walk around and cheer this place up. What's your name? (insert Alex here) Are you a Boy Scout? (i was wearing my boy scout sweatshirt, and insert yes here) Well, I'm glad you stopped by. You probably won't see very many others here in the Admin. building because you caught us at lunch. (it was 12:03) Well, is there anything else you need? (insert no here) Ok, well thanks for stopping by."

There were a few other humorous responses, but that's about all I can remember.

Oh, and before I forget...


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Guten Morgen Fancy Fresh!

It means nothing, it's just fun to say.
I don't even know where it came from, it just sort of popped into my head this morning...
Guten Morgen, Fancy Fresh!
It sounds kind of funny if you say it fast...
guten morgen fancy fresh!
In case you don't know German, Guten Morgen means Good Morning.
I don't know German, but I took a year of it in school, so I know a few crazy things like that.
And after two years of Spanish, the only funny thing I've got is...
Yo soy in la playa!
Which, I hope, means...
I'm on the beach.
Which I'm not. But just like the phrase "Good Morning" the human being attempts to state what they wish. For example, after waking, they say good morning having no idea whether that day will be good or not. But they say it, hoping that by saying it it will come true. Or so says the alien Boleer in Star Trek Voyager: The Nanotech War.

I'm done. I hope the sheer amazing-ness of the phrase I created makes up for my unsatisfactory approach at explaining it.

Good day to you, Sir! (or Madam, I suppose)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Post Number 10!!!

Guess what that means?
That's right! PARTY TIME!!!

I'm fairly certain my version of a party is quite different than yours, no matter who you are.

For my party, I got a Game up and running. I call it "a game" and not "my game" for a simple reason, LOGD (legend of the green dragon) is an open-source game that anyone can download and play. I fully intend to modify every little piece of code to form my own game, even though it will still resemble LOGD. Anyway, I turned on every single option on this one, so if you log in there is an insane amount to do and there is a lot of screen clutter. That will be changed in my version. But don't look out anytime soon. With my schedule, it will take at the very least, it will take 3 months for me to learn PHP by reading the code, as well what/how I can change it without destroying the game. But once that initial "break-in" period is through, I should progress rather quickly.

Besides LOGD, I also setup a Forum. But this was mainly a test to see if I could figure out how to configure a MySQL database. Obviously I could. That will more than likely be deleted as time passes. But feel free to check that out as well, if you feel so inclined.

Let's see... 10 is sort-of a big milestone... so... I need to find some way to actually do something worthwhile... um....

I know!!!! I'll refer to one of my all-time favorite links! The Star Wars Gangsta Rap!

As sad as it is, I pretty much have it completely memorized even after not seeing it for probably a year. Unless someone asks me to, I'm not going to type out the words. Mostly because the link to the real thing is right there, but also because it's time-consuming, and I have way to much nothing to attend to right now.

So, I guess I'll do that nothing that I've got to attend to...
(by myself, all alone, with nothing to do)

GOOD NIGHT!!! (or day, or morning, depending on when you see this)

*<|:^) - Santa

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Boy Scouts take heart!

Heart has little to do with it, but I couldn't think of a better title.

There is a story here. I am a boy scout. I used to be/ still am part of Troop 1402 in Fraser Michigan. I'm not really part of it right now because I'm so far away. But I do get back every once in a while.

Anyway, it was about three years ago, at summer camp 2002. We were at a new camp... Camp Tapico (that actually stands for TAll PInes COuncil, in case you care). Our scoutmaster, and my hero, brought his collection of garden gnomes with him, because he thought they would "cheer up the dreary campsite." Well, did I have fun with that! Every night, once everyone was asleep, I snuck about and moved the gnomes about. Put some gnomes in front of various tents, moved some fencing, you know, the sort of anonymous thing that makes people laugh even if it was done to them. Anyway, we (and by we, I almost exclusively am referring to myself and Mr. Dietz) started this whole thing with gnomes. For example, the next year when we went back there, we had lots more gnomish fun.

Our gateway... was a cantilever (looks like a street light) and a gnome hung off of the end of it by a noose. That one was actually our scoutmaster's idea.

At the end of the week, every troop had to build a boat for a "special event." Our boat was made of coolers tied together with wood pallets on top to sit on. There were pot pans tied to the sides, to give the impression of a Viking warship. We used brooms as our ores, and ended up tying the 'shields' to the 'ores' mid-competition because we came to the sudden realization that brooms didn't push water as well as we would have liked. But the GREATEST thing about the boat was the final touch... and what we called it. We duct taped 3 gnomes to it. 2 on the back two corners and the 3rd dead front center. We called it the 'Whispering Gnome.' Fond memories there. When it left, we all chanted "Gnomes' Away!" And when they made it back, we chanted "Gnome, Sweet Gnome!" Fun times.

So now I have a new line that I found. It was actually in a Blogger's profile here.
Question: How do you pronounce the G in Bologna?
Answer: Better yet, how do you pronounce the G in Gnome?

I laughed pretty hard. I'm sorry if you didn't.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Favorite Turtle?

Some whack job of a guy I've never met comes up to me today and says, "So, who's your favorite turtle?" I looked at him like he was nuts. So he continued, "You know, from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Which one of those four is your favorite, and why?" This is of coarse cleaned up a bit. He spoke in riddles and half sentences, so that's much better than anything he actually said.

But... I said Donatello... and here's why.

First of all, purple equals royalty. He and I share that likeness. Second, what's better than wielding a deadly staff? I mean, if you get hurt, you can knock out your enemies and then use your weapon as a support to use to get you to safety. Rafael couldn't say that. And his favorite book: A brief history of Time, is the prequel to my favorite book: The Universe in a Nutshell. Both of which by an outstanding physicist, Stephen Hawking. For the complete Donatello history... click here.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Google's Practical Joke

See that ad in the corner?
Well, apparently it works by reading my blog, then providing a link that somehow applies to the page. I applaud them for attempting to find one, single link that somehow relates to what rummages through my mind.
And what it came up with is actually fairly funny. Gold Medal Popcorn. I personally am very amused that Google thought the closest thing that related to my out-pouring of thought was a popcorn popper. This only happened because of that one post where I talked about watching popcorn pop.

Oh well, maybe if I just keep being myself, it will change to something else funny.

Anyway, the schedule of food distribution here at Western Michigan University is kind of annoying. I live 2 1/2 hours away from home, so understandably I decided to "dorm it." Which means I have to eat at the dining halls. In and of itself, this isn't really a bad thing. They serve Asian Cuisine here in my hall, and I find it pretty good. On the weekdays, it's open from 7 am until 7 pm, which is cool. But on the weekends, they're only open from 10 am until 3 pm. Plus, they don't serve the regular menu, they only have hot dogs and the like. Out of the 6 different dining halls (all with their own menus), only 2 are open late. Not quite regular hours, later than that, in fact. But the problem is, one of them is all the way on the other side of campus. It's like a 15 min. walk to get to it. The other one is between here and there, about 5 min. away. I'd rather not have to walk that far just to eat. Granted, I do most days because I like what they serve (who wants to stay in the same place all the time), but I don't want to HAVE to go there, even if I already do go there several other times throughout the week. Think of others. I mean, I'm sure there's someone who only eats in this one building. Just think how they must feel that they have to actually LEAVE the building. I'm glad I'm not like that.

In other news, work on Xive has been postponed. I have done this due to a most interesting development. I have found a free host that offers php, as well as multiple MySQL databases. I'm going to investigate this further, and let you know what's up with it. If it's good, progress on the site may take on a whole new twist. There was something I've been wanting to do with MySQL for a while, but I didn't have access to a database before. If this comes through, it will mean major improvements to Xive. Although, at the same time, it will also mean more time until I finally finish off with Xive. Once I find out more, this will be the first place I'll put my findings.

Until then, good morning. And in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night. (The Truman Show is a rockin' movie, I highly recommend it)

Since this post, I have quit using AdSense.
In my opinion, it takes up space, looks bad, and doesn't really give very much money.
(also, they ended my account because I "cheated" by clicking my own ads. as you can see from above, I did, but it was because I was genuinly interested in what was there. Anyway, they kept all money and "returned it to the add providers." No hard feelings, but I never really liked the ads to begin with)

Saturday, October 01, 2005


YAY! I actually continued doing this all the way into another month. I'm surprised. Perhaps this means that there is a chance I will keep going with this. So far, I posted here for less than an entire month, and this is post number 6. When you're less than 10, every post is another excuse to party!

Although I don't party. As Austin Powers says, "That's just not my bag." Hehe.

So what I did do, is I took several of those crazy personality tests. Here's the results:

See that? I always knew that I shared something with somebody important. I actually think that this was rather accurate... creepy. Try it! Let me know what happend! Please? lol.